Away with the Fairies

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mind the Gap

Sigh, I have just finished my placement at Mind the Gap and it was sooooo hard to leave. Back to uni now...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hello all!

I know I suck and don't update- but don't hate me, blame my time-eating, sadistically busy MA course!

here is a bit of news from the last week or so:

- at the moment I am spending all days in the nearby city of bradford, where I am on a placement at an acting company for people with disabilities ( It is very fulfilling- the students are so much fun and wit. It is tiring though, as everyone is at different levels of ability, so it can be a bit tricky finding material that involves everyone, as well as pushes everyone. Today I led a workshop that was 3 hours long, where we where developed a characterization of the Greek gods Dionysus, Hera, Narcissis and Persephone, and then improvised how they would act in modern situations (i.e.. At a premiere, camping etc...) It was pretty hilarious, but I am pooped. The experience is reaffirming my joy of acting. It is a blessing to see what a gift it can be- how freeing it can be for people who have trouble expressing themselves and can get frustrated. I feel I am learning so much from them- hey are amazing actors and have absolutely no inhibitions!

- my grandma has been very poorly, and had a massive stomach bypass operation today. She is being so calm and strong and graceful during the whole horrible experience. Please play for her (it would mean so much to me if you did).

- 8 youths tried to break in to our house yesterday (WHILST we were still inside!!)- Drew just saw this hand coming round the curtain at about 10pm whilst he was on the couch- scary hey! Then my silly, brave husband chased them down the street! I was so afraid that they would stab him or something- he was so out-numbered. But he was so ferociously angry that they just bolted! After the police came round we had another incident. Our neighbor's (who always burn their garbage instead of throwing it away) made a fire in their garden and it got out of control and the fire fighters had to come to put it out.
My friend Emma was sleeping over, as we are working at 'Mind The Gap' together, and I was so embarrassed! I was trying to convince her that out street isn't normally that hairy!

- Drew and I are hoping to move to London on July 1st!

-Dallas is getting married in the summer to her German dream boy, so we may well be in the lovely Canada this summer.

- I may have to make 'Tales in Transit' company so I can get liability insurance.

-My sister is preggers again

Keep cool dear friends (from the corners of the earth) and may your 2007 be blessed xx