Away with the Fairies

Friday, October 06, 2006

Where have all the Bethblogs gone?

Ok where have I been? In a whirlwind of crazy activity and ENDLESS work. Anyone out there who has a MA and is still sane and does not have permanent nervous twitches has my full respect. I am still in the whirlwind by the was- which is why this is going to be a pocket-sized blog. Actually I feel I am in the eye of the storm where the lack of sleep; having two jobs and watching too many interest theatre performances that make fiction and reality merge, have made me gaze upon my pile of reading, dissertation, essays, symposiums, presentations and workshops I need to design and laugh a mad laugh heeeiahahahoooo he hee ho.

Also I have to write an academic critical journal of every theatre stimulus I get and I have to outline my reaction to everything I learn. This journal (which I have to present to my lecturers) is the reason that blogs do not seem as 'fun' any more. However if it seems my updates are few and far between it does not mean I am not reading YOURS!

I will try explain my course soon- when I get it under control (down tiger!) I want to tell my tales of working on creative space with asylum seekers, tell of my lovely coursemates, explain how God is pushing me and preserving my marriage amid the madness, explain why I decided it was not right for me to go to Malawi. However, for now I will leave you with a pic from Drew's birthday.


At 9:13 AM, Blogger Candice said...

Hey beautiful!
I know what you mean about things being insane. I crashed yesterday... always on the go, never eating properly or getting enough sleep. I can't imagine working at the same time! And we need to write alot of reflective papers (on everything), which means my blog may become a little sparse as well. Sometimes it's hard to write blogs when it doesn't feel like anything out-of-the-ordinary is happening and you're just trying to keep your head above water. Lately I feel like I'm just going around in circles with school, emotions, relationships, learning things from God... so there's not much that's new to write about... it's the same old over and over but with constant new twists and angles. But I know God is good, and He has definitely been carrying me through this last week. There's no way I could've made it through without Him. Thankfully, it's thanksgiving this weekend, so I have an extra day to get stuff done...and sleep... and take time and space to just be with Jesus.
I love you and have been thinking about you!

At 5:20 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Beth Beth Beth, you have really jumped in the deep end over there, and I'm proud of you for it! I wish I could come and sit through a few theatre performances with you, especially the alternative ones. Creative Space for asylum, I will have to talk to you about that when you have more time, it sounds absolutely fascinating. No Malawi? I bet that was a hard decision, but I'm sure you'll be back in Africa before long, and one day, WE will be back in Africa together! Anyway, much love to you my chum...I need to tell you about my latest pranking success which involved a very realistic fart machine at the thanksgiving dinner table!!!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger danielle said...

Alert: This is Martin writing. I just wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate you and your fellow Englishmen to the beautiful goal Mr. Neville scored yesterday. The look on Paul Robinson's face was priceless. And you don't even have Sven or Beckham to blame anymore...what are you going to do? Have a good one! ;o)

At 10:42 AM, Blogger danielle said...

Having read Martin's little post, I needed to comment that I married a very naughty fellow, didn't I? He looks so sweet, and so innocent, and there is all this subversive naughtiness underneath. I love it.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Candice said...

BETH!!! I think someone someday should write a book on you and Drew's lives. It definitely wouldn't be a boring one considering the crazy circumstances you two run into!

At 1:50 AM, Blogger Bethybu said...

Martin you rascal! Fortunatly your cutting remarks did not hit any sore spots as I have not being following the footie- I only get patriotic when I am not trapped in this rainy cramped little land, and I miss tea. (And I do not have to hear drunken chants of ROOOOOOOOO-NEY! all day. So scoff away Martin!
Also am I getting the impression that you Danielle, are massaging and encouraging Martin's latant subversive streak! Ha! that makes you naughty too!

Hannah! you crazy girl - never grow up! We shold collect a momento from each 'success' and make a hall of fame. I miss you.

Candice- Hope you are well and you chaged your batteries over thanks giving! Sometimes going round in cicles is a good thing- you can consolidate what you know and see it in different lights. I crave circles now! I feel as if i am on this crazy curve of newness with no time to digest!


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