Away with the Fairies

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Yesterday my course buddies and I had a day of celebration- sharing our areas of interests and sharing food from our cultural background. I brought a faithfully delectable bread and butter pud, and shared about how theatre can help alleviate the 'cultural bereavement' experienced by asylum seekers. The Rasta man is Winston who is a very funny and experienced theatre worker. Interesting discussions that arose throughout the day included contemplating the paradoxical role of a theatre facilitator working with an oppressed group. There is a danger that they abuse their position and become a facipulator (facilitator as a manipulator). The image “file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Bethany%20Stamford/Desktop/symposium_files/DSCF1989.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

I am so proud that you used the word delectable!!!!!!!!!!!! That looks delicious. Your course sounds so much more interesting than mine...*sigh* Look forward to hearing of your adventures on your new pink bike!! You should get a pet and put it in the basket.

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Candice said...

Hi Beth... I just read Drew's blog and wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you!

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Smash said...

Hey there Beth m'dear.

It's been awhile. How are you doing? Candice's post leads me to believe that I ought to check in at Drew's to pick up additional info. But for the moment, just want to say that I love you and that I am still holding out for you guys to possibly move to Vancouver! Your theatre stuff sounds so exciting and I just wish that you and Nathan could have a chat about it, as he is feeling so lost about direction, and you must be such an expert at the moment in regards to APPLIED theatre, which is EXCITING! I actually had thought of the idea of using theatre with new immigrants (I had thought children specifically), just because I was trying to combine my dear one's fortes of theatre, working with kids, and learning new languages in a flash. And then it turns out that you have a whole program about it. So I guess it wasn't an original idea, but at least it might be a good one.
Anyway, I am going on, and I really need to read Drew's post. So... love you, and talk to you soon.


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