Away with the Fairies

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mrs. Resourceful

RIP friendly boots. You served me well.

Today, the hubby and I were took a Sunday hike upon Ilkley Moor. (we try and go at least twice a month to cleanse our lungs- Leeds pollution and mould out- fresh crunchy autumn air in...) At about 2pm sad thing happened. One of the zips of my favorite red- docs bust when Drew and I were but a stone throw away from the highest peak. I felt sad on four counts.

1) We had being climbing for an hour and were a stone throw from the top, but I didn't feel save to climb the jagged rocks further without ankle support.

2) I still had to get back down in order to warm up with a cuppa.

3) The boots and I had drawn up a special relationship over the last couple of years- I will miss their confidence-boosting whispers they give me when no one else is listening.

4) I am as broke as a joke, so cannot replace them till the 17th of December (2 months of cold ankles!)

A quick burst of practical inspiration allowed me to rectify my first two HS points*- I pulled out the bobbles from my hair braids, and tad-daa!! strapped my boots on! Drew was too impressed to feel embarrassed of me!

* HS = Beth and Drew crazy married code language for 'how sad', similarly HB = 'how bizarre,' HF = 'how funny'. Sometimes we forget that the rest of the world are not following us!


At 8:11 PM, Blogger danielle said...

Beth - sorry about your hot little (and yet practical) red boots. I don't ever want to say goodbye to a single pair of red shoes, ever.
But may I compliment you on your titillating(and yet sweet) leggings? Small comfort, I know.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Hannah said...

I love it! You will look back with fond laughing memories on your first years of marriage, struggling through university constantly broke. Hopefully you will also see the goodness and faithfulness of God in your lives, I think you will. You are ingenious with the bobbles! Hope your masters is igniting your mind in new ways, can't wait to hear more about it. Much love!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Smash said...

I have said it before, and I will say it again.
You are fabulous.
love you.

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Candice said...

Hi Beth! Hope school and all is going well! I love you!


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