Away with the Fairies

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oi! Stop your Waffling!

'Stop being a waffle!' my husband demands. After many days of indecisive ravings, sleepless nights, weeping upon any dry shoulder in sight, endless pros and cons lists and hours of consequential unproductive-ness, I decided I needed to make a concrete decision. Tomorrow I will take the plunge and confirm my place on the 'Theatre for Development' masters course at Leeds. My doubts came from a lack of trust in God (that he would provide) and a lack of trust in myself (that I would survive a year of insecurity, an intense work load, and that I had the assurance that my desires matched that of those of the father above.) My alternative choice would be to get 'proper job', which would stifle my creative yearnings and passions, but, on paper, would be the more responsible (and comfortable) option.

I am not a natural risk taker, and probably wouldn't have had the boldness to begin something that holds so much uncertainity if it wasn't for Psalm: 37, James: 1 and the support of the special people in my life: the Stamfords, the Johnstons, Sarah, Cat and Lu... whose generous spirits, words of wisdom and ego-boosting encouragement have being my collective 'Wizard of Oz', giving me courage to decide.

I guess life would get boring if every decision was made for you.