Away with the Fairies

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Married Penguins

Hi there dudes!
Well, I was going to tell you about our adventures on the continent, but Drew got there first and stole my thunder! Taking advantage of the fact that I could not tear myself away from reading the novel Monkey Beach in our garden on the only sunny weekend I haven't had a job, he even posted all our photo's on his site. We should really merge our blogs in to one cheesy coupley thing. However, with Drew's cup been half empty and mine half full, the casual reader may become confused.

There are many reasons why being Mrs. Drewbear is the bees-knees (most of which I do not feel comfortable disclosing to blogosphere), but one I wish to illuminate is his angle on life. Without being dogmatic and rigid (I can, at times, coax him to re-think his position) he offers a refreshing outlook that is not shaped by 'vogue' ideas. I feel very liberated when talking to him, he is my toughest critic, and challenges the very essence of my ideas, making me clearer and more articulate in the views that shape my actions. His adversity to all that is pretentious and smug has really challenged me in my faith. Why do I over complicate things? Is my relationship with my maker merely emotional impulses? Upon which grounds do I build my belief? Thus, over the past couple of weeks I have concocted five reasons why I would call myself a Christian:

1) Historically it works. (there was a bloke called Jesus, who fulfilled the prophesies...)

2)Spiritually it works. (My condition as a human is recognized by the failure-promise-repentance-forgiveness-purity message of grace)

3) Creation- What an incredible artist. Just the other day I beheld the alps from the middle of lake, the shades of purple took my breath away. Who knows (and frankly who should care) how and when it was created, the earth surely reflects the Lord.

4) testimonies- As well as personal experiences, the transformational impact of the life of Jesus is evident in the life of others. I have witnessed peoples lives dramatically turned around after they have accepted his message.

5) Morality- The life that comes with being a Christian is, in my opinion, the best their is. Providing ones relationship with the Father is authentic, the believer is empowered to become upright and able to unselfishly love others, thus will become more ethical and having richer relationships, become trustworthy, and will move away from despair, hypocrisy and shallowness.

As I am particularly fond of cyber dialogue, please let me know your opinions- and let me know what constitutes your perceived raison d'etre.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Candice said...

Is there something in a girl that focuses on things from the emotional standpoint? Along with you, I'm re-learning the whole "living by principle" idea that comes along with believing. Truly believing.... KNOWING, not convincing myself of things, and acting on that knowledge despite how I feel.
I must say that Ryan challenges me on these things, much to my frusteration sometimes, but it's incredibly good, and it's funny because after all the fighting with myself over these things, I know it's the right way to go.


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